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Member Services

Membership Terms and Conditions

New Balance Japan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") has established the following membership terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "these terms and conditions") for the Target Stores specified below that it operates, as well as the online shopping sites "New Balance Official Online Store" (https://shop.newbalance.jp/) and "New Balance Official Online Outlet" (https://outlet.newbalance.jp) (hereinafter the online shopping sites are collectively referred to as "this online site", and the Target Stores and this online site are collectively referred to as "this service") as follows. Those who register as members (hereinafter referred to as "members") are deemed to have agreed to the following conditions, so please read them carefully before registering as a member.

  1. Article 1 (Scope and Changes to These Terms)
    • These terms and conditions shall apply to members regarding the use of this service.
    • Our company reserves the right to change these terms and conditions without obtaining prior consent from the member by notifying the member in a manner that our company deems appropriate (this includes, but is not limited to, changing the content of the point service (benefits) set forth in Article 5, Paragraph 2, changing the terms and conditions for providing points including the point award rate, changing the method of using points, or suspending or abolishing the point service). Our company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage caused to the member by such changes.
  2. Article 2 (Definition of Member)

    "Member" means an individual who has agreed to these terms and conditions, applied for membership registration in accordance with the procedures specified by our company, and has been approved by our company.

  3. Article 3 (Membership Registration)
    • Those who wish to become members will be deemed to have applied for membership by registering on the member registration page of the online site designated by our company.
    • We will approve your application by sending you a registration confirmation email.
    • Even if you are unable to receive the registration confirmation email due to spam filters or other reasons, we will not resend the email, so please set up your email to receive emails from designated domains in advance.
      (1) If you are using domain-specific reception, please set '@newbalance.jp' as your designated reception.
      (2) Influence of spam filters If the spam filter's spoofing restriction level is set too high, you may not be able to receive emails.
  4. Article 4 (Notification of changes and withdrawal)

    If there are any changes to a member's address, name, phone number, or other registered information, the member must promptly notify the Company by updating the registered information on My Page. Please note that if the change is not notified, benefits may not be granted or may not be available to the member, even if the member is a member. In the same way, if the member wishes to cancel his/her membership, the cancellation procedure must be completed on My Page. Please note that all accumulated points will be invalidated when the member loses membership, and the member will no longer be able to receive the benefits stipulated in Article 5, Paragraph 2 of these Terms and Conditions.

  5. Article 5 (Member Benefits, etc.)
  6. 1. When a Member uses this online site, the "Terms of Service" of this online site shall apply in addition to these Terms.
    2. Members can receive the following point services (benefits).
    (1) Points are awarded as a benefit exclusive to members. The rate at which points are awarded varies depending on rank. However, if you purchase a product at the "New Balance Official Online Outlet" and points are awarded in accordance with this section, the rate at which points are awarded will be the same regardless of rank.
    (2) Points will be awarded as follows:
    ① If you purchase a product at a participating store: When purchasing a product at a participating store, please present your My Page before payment and points will be awarded 14 days after the date of purchase. Please note that if you do not present your My Page before payment, points will not be awarded. Participating stores are New Balance stores in Japan that are eligible for the point service, and are listed at (https://company.newbalance.jp/store/store_type/official-store and https://company.newbalance.jp/store/store_type/concept-store). Participating stores do not include factory stores (outlet stores).
    2) If you purchase a product on this online site: Points will be credited 14 days after the product is shipped.
    ③Points will be awarded only for the product price (excluding consumption tax) when purchasing a product. Shipping fees, handling fees, and other service fees are not eligible for points.
    ④ If we determine that your application complies with any other regulations or standards that we may stipulate from time to time, points may be awarded in accordance with those regulations.
    (3) Points can be accumulated, and accumulated points can be used at the stores and websites of this service (Applicable Stores and this online site) as follows, with 1 point being worth 1 yen. The cash conversion rate of points is subject to change.
    ① At participating stores, points can only be used to pay for products.
    ②This online site allows you to use the product prices, shipping fees, handling fees, and other fees as specifically approved by our company.
    (4) Every April, your membership rank will change depending on your accumulated points over the past year.
    *Points awarded between April 16th of the previous year and April 15th of the current year are eligible.
    (5) Each point has a different expiration date. Please check your My Page to see the expiration date of each point. All points that have expired will be invalidated.
    (6) Points may only be used by the Member. Points may not be transferred or lent to a third party. Points may not be exchanged for cash.
  7. Article 6 (Cancellation of Membership Registration, etc.)

    If a member falls under any of the following items, we reserve the right to suspend use of this online site, cancel his/her membership registration, or refuse re-registration without prior notice to the member. All points and member benefits will become invalid upon cancellation or loss of membership.

    • If it is discovered that a Member has previously been subject to cancellation of membership registration or other penalties due to a violation of these Terms and Conditions
    • If it is discovered that the application contains false information
    • When there is a delay in fulfilling payment obligations related to the Service or other non-fulfillment
    • When using this online site, you commit any of the acts set out in Article 4 (Prohibited Acts) of the "Terms of Use of Service"
    • If you have violated these terms or (in the case of using this online site) the "Terms of Service" or if we deem you inappropriate to be a member
    • If the person does not exist
    • Children under 6 years old
    • If you live outside Japan
    • If you are already registered as a member
  8. Article 7 (Management of Member ID and Password)

    Members shall be responsible for managing their member ID and password (hereinafter referred to as "authentication information"), as well as the items listed below.

    • The authentication information must be set by the Member himself/herself, and the Member shall be responsible for managing it.
    • Members may not transfer, lend, or disclose their authentication information to a third party.
    • Members shall be responsible for any damages arising from insufficient management of authentication information, erroneous use, or use by a third party.
    • If a Member discovers that their authentication information has been fraudulently used by a third party, they must immediately contact the Company.
  9. Article 8 (Mail Magazine)
    • If Members wish, they can receive email newsletters by following the prescribed procedures at the time of membership registration or on their My Page after registration.
    • Members may unsubscribe from receiving email newsletters at any time by following the designated procedure on their My Page.
    • The copyright of the information provided in the e-mail newsletter belongs to our company or a legitimate third party. You may not use the e-mail newsletter or its contents for any purpose other than personal use.
    • We may cancel the delivery of email newsletters to members who fall under any of the following cases.
      (1) If the email newsletter does not arrive at the registered email address.
      (2) If the email newsletter has never been opened in the past (however, this does not include cases where a new email newsletter registration has been in progress for less than one year).
      (3) If a third party's email address has been registered or there is reason to suspect that such an email address has been registered.
      (4) Any other conduct that we deem inappropriate.
  10. Article 9 (Personal Information)

    Members' personal information is subject to the New Balance Privacy Policy
    (https://shop.newbalance.jp/shop/pages/privacy.aspx) will be handled in accordance with the

  11. Article 10 (Jurisdiction)

    This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. Any disputes relating to this Agreement or the Point Service shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.

Supplementary Note: These terms and conditions will apply to members from July 1, 2024.